Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales
Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales


2015-01-30/02-01 - Austria - Ngak'chang Rinpoche - Dzogchen: Shock-Amazement

Dzogchen: Shock-Amazement

Weekend event with Ngak´chang Rinpoche 

30th January - 1st of February 2015
Friday: 18:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00

Shambhala Zentrum Wien Stiftgasse 15-17, 1070 Wien, Austria

Ngak’chang Rinpoche will give direct introduction to Dzogchen sem-dé – the utter-totality teaching of the ‘nature of Mind’. Dzogchen is the most profound; yet simple and immediate of the three inner Tantras. Rinpoche will speak from the perspective of the pure vision of the female gTértön, Aro Lingma – give transmission to establish the basis for the accomplishment of this practice. Dzogchen is unique in dealing with the fundamental experience of being human – at the most essential level of perception. Dzogchen lays bare the mechanisms of dualistic vision – and creates a gestalt of wonderment in the immense possibility of each individual. Rinpoche’s teachings will cover the Four Naljors and the Four Ting-ngé’dzin. Question and answer explorations are heartily welcomed as Rinpoche is always keen to relate personally with his audience.

Dzogchen is the everyday magic of being precisely what we are; without drudgery of either fantasy or banal pragmatism. When we discover that it takes fantastic effort to create the frustration and unfulfillment which we experience in our lives; we could easily burst out laughing!” Khandro Déchen

Friday evening: € 30
Weekend: € 150

Contact: Ngakpa Garwang Dorje

Phone: 0699-10534094


As the expected number of participants is quite large we kindly ask you to register as soon as possible.

[Please see all our events at]


2014-09-19/2014-10-10 - Germany, Finland & Austria - Ngakma Shardröl - The 14 root vows of Vajrayana

The 14 Root Vows of Vajrayana

Weekend retreats with Ngakma Shardröl Dunyam Wangmo in Europe

The Fourteen Root Vows are the primary practice of Vajrayana Buddhism. They give us relief from the urge to manipulate every situation that arises in our life. Rather we connect with the Mind of the teacher, which is identical to our own realised Mind, and leave it to her or him to direct us and orchestrate our own understanding. The vows enable us to receive whatever teachings there might be. This is true for driving or cooking lessons as well as spiritual teachings. To some people they seem strange or extreme, but really they describe a method by which we learn in everyday life as well as in spiritual practice. It is said that it is impossible to keep the vows unless one has attained enlightenment. Because of this, the practice is one of continually returning to the vows – and of never giving up on keeping them, even when we make mistakes.

Vorträge und Seminar in Englisch mit Übersetzung ins Deutsche.

Berlin, Germany, 19th - 21st of September
Contact: Jens Bittermann,
Phone: 030 7813804,
More information:

For additional evening talks in Berlin see Tantrische Psychologie and In der Alltagswelt spirituell leben

Esbo, Finland, 26th - 28th of September
Contact: Viveka Grönlund
Phone: + 358405464041
More information:

Wien, Austria, 3rd – 5th of October 2014

Contact: Ngakpa Garwang Dorje
Phone: 0699-10534094
More information:

München, Germany, 10th – 12th of October 2014
Contact: Ngakma Déwang Pamo
More information:

2014-10-10/12 - Ngakma Shardrôl - Die 14 Wurzelgelübde des Vajrayana - München, Germany

Die 14 Wurzelgelübde des Vajrayana

Weekend event with Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo 

10.-12. Oktober 2014
Freitag 19:00-21:00
Samstag 10:00-13:00, 14:30-18:00
Samstag Abend Mélong-Ermächtigung
Sonntag 10:00-13:00

Shambhala Zentrum München, Montenstraße 9, München, Germany

Die 14 Wurzelgelübde sind das Herz der Vajrayana-Praxis. Durch sie können wir den Drang loslassen, jede Situation kontrollieren zu wollen. Stattdessen verbinden wir uns mit dem Geist des Lehrers und überlassen ihm oder ihr das Steuer. Er oder sie hat das Wissen, das uns fehlt. Die Gelübde ermöglichen es uns, Belehrungen jeglicher Art zu empfangen und auch umzusetzen. Das trifft genauso auf Fahrschulstunden oder Kochkurse zu wie auf spirituelle Unterweisungen. Manchen Leuten mögen die Gelübde fremd oder extrem erscheinen, aber sie beschreiben eine Methode, durch die wir in der Lage sind etwas zu lernen - im täglichen Leben genauso wie in der spirituellen Praxis. Es wird gesagt, dass die 14 Wurzelgelübde unmöglich zu halten sind, solange man im dualen Zustand des Samsara verweilt. Gemäß der Belehrungen des Dzogchen sind wir jedoch anfangslos erleuchtet und können den nicht-dualen Zustand in jedem Moment erfahren, wenn wir unsere neurotischen Muster und Gewohnheiten loslassen. Deshalb besteht die Praxis darin, immer wieder zu den Gelübden zurückzukehren, und dem Funkeln des nicht-dualen Gewahrseins in unserem Leben Raum zu geben.

Kosten: 130.- EUR für das gesamte Wochenende,
30.- EUR nur Freitag Abend (Einführung) Ermäßigungen auf Anfrage

Kontakt für Anmeldung und weitere Informationen: Ngakma Déwang Pamo dewangpamo(at)

All Aro gTer retreats are non-smoking events. Smokers are welcome to attend, but in accordance with Nyingma teaching, and Vajrayana Buddhism in general, we require participants to desist from the smoking of tobacco for the entire duration of the retreat – both on or off the premises where retreats are held. Tobacco in any form should not be brought to the retreat.


2014-10-03/05 - Wien, Austria - Ngakma Shardröl - Die 14 Wurzelgelübde des Vajrayana

Die 14 Wurzelgelübde des Vajrayana 

Weekend event with Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo 

3 - 5 of October 2014 Friday: 19:00 - 22:00 Saturday: 10:00 - 20:00 Sunday: 10:00 - 13:00

Shambhala Zentrum Wien Stiftgasse 15-17, 1070 Wien, Austria

Die 14 Wurzelgelübde sind das Herz der Vajrayana-Praxis. Durch sie können wir den Drang loslassen, jede Situation kontrollieren zu wollen. Stattdessen verbinden wir uns mit dem Geist des Lehrers und überlassen ihm oder ihr das Steuer. Er oder sie hat das Wissen, das uns fehlt. Die Gelübde ermöglichen es uns, Belehrungen jeglicher Art zu empfangen und auch umzusetzen. Das trifft genauso auf Fahrschulstunden oder Kochkurse zu wie auf spirituelle Unterweisungen. Manchen Leuten mögen die Gelübde fremd oder extrem erscheinen, aber sie beschreiben eine Methode, durch die wir in der Lage sind etwas zu lernen - im täglichen Leben genauso wie in der spirituellen Praxis. Es wird gesagt, dass die 14 Wurzelgelübde unmöglich zu halten sind, solange man im dualen Zustand des Samsara verweilt. Gemäß der Belehrungen des Dzogchen sind wir jedoch anfangslos erleuchtet und können den nicht-dualen Zustand in jedem Moment erfahren, wenn wir unsere neurotischen Muster und Gewohnheiten loslassen. Deshalb besteht die Praxis darin, immer wieder zu den Gelübden zurückzukehren, und dem Funkeln des nicht-dualen Gewahrseins in unserem Leben Raum zu geben.

Friday evening: € 30 Weekend: € 150 Early payment (till Sept. 1): € 120

Contact: Ngakpa Garwang Dorje
Phone: 0699-10534094

All Aro gTer retreats are non-smoking events. Smokers are welcome to attend, but in accordance with Nyingma teaching, and Vajrayana Buddhism in general, we require participants to desist from the smoking of tobacco for the entire duration of the retreat – both on or off the premises where retreats are held. Tobacco in any form should not be brought to the retreat.



2014-09-26 - Esbo, Finland - Ngakma Shardröl - The 14 root vows of Vajrayana

The 14 root vows of Vajrayana

Weekend event with Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo

26th of September
Esbo, Finland

The fourteen root vows are the primary practice of Vajrayana Buddhism. They give us relief from the urge to control whatever situation in life. We rather connect with the mind of the teacher and leave it to her or him to direct us. He or she has got the knowledge we lack. The vows enable us to receive whatever teachings there might be. This is true for driving or cooking lessons as well as spiritual teachings. To some people they seem strange or extreme but really they describe a method by which we learn in everyday life as well as in spiritual practice. It is said that it is impossible to keep the vows unless one has attained enlightenment. Because of this, the practice is one of continually returning to the vows – and of never giving up on keeping them, even when we make mistakes.

Contact: Viveka Grönlund
Phone: + 358405464041

All Aro gTer retreats are non-smoking events. Smokers are welcome to attend, but in accordance with Nyingma teaching, and Vajrayana Buddhism in general, we require participants to desist from the smoking of tobacco for the entire duration of the retreat – both on or off the premises where retreats are held. Tobacco in any form should not be brought to the retreat.



2014-09-19/21 - Berlin, Germany - Ngakma Shardröl - Die 14 Wurzelgelübde des Vajrayana

Die 14 Wurzelgelübde des Vajrayana

Weekend event with Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo

Wochenendseminar: 19.09. – 21.09.14
Freitag, 19 - 22 Uhr
Samstag und Sonntag jeweils 14 – 18 Uhr

Aro Gompa (Berlin), Hohenfriedbergstr. 7HH/ Quergebäude, Berlin, Germany

Die 14 Wurzelgelübde sind das Herz der Vajrayana-Praxis. Durch sie können wir den Drang loslassen, jede Situation kontrollieren zu wollen. Stattdessen verbinden wir uns mit dem Geist des Lehrers und überlassen ihm oder ihr das Steuer. Er oder sie hat das Wissen, das uns fehlt. Die Gelübde ermöglichen es uns, Belehrungen jeglicher Art zu empfangen. Das trifft genauso auf Fahrschulstunden oder Kochkurse zu wie auf spirituelle Unterweisungen. Manchen Leuten mögen die Gelübde fremd oder extrem erscheinen, aber sie beschreiben eine Methode, durch die wir in der Lage sind etwas zu lernen - im täglichen Leben genauso wie in der spirituellen Praxis. Es wird gesagt, dass die 14 Wurzelgelübde unmöglich zu halten sind, bevor man nicht erleuchtet ist. Deshalb besteht die Übung darin, immer wieder zu den Gelübden zurückzukehren, auch wenn man Fehler gemacht hat.

The Fourteen Root Vows are the primary practice of Vajrayana Buddhism. They give us relief from the urge to manipulate every situation that arises in our life. Rather we connect with the Mind of the teacher, which is identical to our own realized Mind, and leave it to her or him to direct us and orchestrate our own understanding. The vows enable us to receive whatever teachings there might be. This is true for driving or cooking lessons as well as spiritual teachings. To some people they seem strange or extreme, but really they describe a method by which we learn in everyday life as well as in spiritual practice. It is said that it is impossible to keep the vows unless one has attained enlightenment. Because of this, the practice is one of continually returning to the vows – and of never giving up on keeping them, even when we make mistakes.

Vorträge und Seminar in Englisch mit Übersetzung ins Deutsche.

Unkostenbeitrag (gesamtes Wochenende): 100 € (Einzeln buchbar: Freitag 30 €, Samstag 40 €, Sonntag 40 €)

Anmeldung und Information: Jens Bittermann, Tel: 030 7813804, Email:

All Aro gTer retreats are non-smoking events. Smokers are welcome to attend, but in accordance with Nyingma teaching, and Vajrayana Buddhism in general, we require participants to desist from the smoking of tobacco for the entire duration of the retreat – both on or off the premises where retreats are held. Tobacco in any form should not be brought to the retreat.



2014-09-17 - Berlin, Germany - Ngakma Shardröl - In der Alltagswelt spirituell leben

In der Alltagswelt spirituell leben

Die yogische Tradition im tibetischen Buddhismus

Talk with Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo

Mittwoch, 17.09.14 Beginn: 19.00 Uhr

Adhara BuchertempelPestalozzistr. 35Berlin, Germany
Tel. 030 3122462

Buddhistische Praktizierende orientieren sich oft am Weg der Entsagung von Mönchen und Nonnen. Für viele Menschen, die mitten im Leben stehen, ein schwieriges Unterfangen. Die Yogis und Yoginis der weißen Sangha gehen einen alternativen Weg. Durch die tantrischen Belehrungen können sie Spiritualität in jeder Situation des Alltags leben.

The common perception of Tibetan Buddhism is that practitioners must live the renunciate path of monks and nuns. Though such a path is difficult for people living an ordinary Western lifestyle. The yogis and yoginis of the white sangha follow a path that uses everyday circumstances as the material of their practice. Through the tantric teachings we can live spiritually in the normal course of life.

Vorträge und Seminar in Englisch mit Übersetzung ins Deutsche.

Eintritt: 10 €

Anmeldung und Information: Jens Bittermann, Tel: 030 7813804, Email:

All Aro gTer retreats are non-smoking events. Smokers are welcome to attend, but in accordance with Nyingma teaching, and Vajrayana Buddhism in general, we require participants to desist from the smoking of tobacco for the entire duration of the retreat – both on or off the premises where retreats are held. Tobacco in any form should not be brought to the retreat.



2014-09-16 - Berlin, Germany - Ngakma Shardröl - Tantrische Psychologie

Tantrische Psychologie

Talk with Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo 

Dienstag 16.09.14 Beginn: 19.30 Uhr

Urania, An der Urania 17, Berlin, Germany

Die tibetische tantrische Psychologie beschreibt menschliche „Neurosen“ in Form von fünf Elementen. Jedem dieser Elemente wohnt eine neurotische und eine natürliche, befreite Qualität inne. Ngakma Shardröl zeigt uns, dass es keinen Grund gibt, seine Gefühle abzulehnen. Was wir als Hindernis auf dem spirituellen Weg erfahren, könnte das Rohmaterial unserer Praxis werden. Jede Art der Störung ist gleichzeitig eine Methode, mit der wir den realisierten Zustand erreichen können.

The Tibetan tantric psychology describes human neuroses in the form of five elements. In every element there is a neurotic and a liberated quality inherent. Ngakma Shardröl shows us that there is no reason to reject one’s feelings. What we perceive as obstacles on the spiritual path could be the raw material of our practice. Every kind of disturbance is also the method to attain the realized state.

Vorträge und Seminar in Englisch mit Übersetzung ins Deutsche.

Eintritt: ca. 6 €

Anmeldung und Information: Jens Bittermann, Tel: 030 7813804, Email:

All Aro gTer retreats are non-smoking events. Smokers are welcome to attend, but in accordance with Nyingma teaching, and Vajrayana Buddhism in general, we require participants to desist from the smoking of tobacco for the entire duration of the retreat – both on or off the premises where retreats are held. Tobacco in any form should not be brought to the retreat.



Aro Ling Cardiff - September Newsletter - courses & events for the autumn

Aro Ling Buddhist Centre

35 Merthyr Road (rear of Chambers) 
Whitchurch, Cardiff
, CF14 1DB
We hope you have enjoyed a lovely summer – especially the gloriously sunny weather. All of us at Aro Ling Cardiff are feeling refreshed after summer retreats and holidays and looking forward to welcoming you to the Autumn programme.

Aro Ling will be open on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays during the day, depending on the availability of a volunteer to staff the centre – look for the ‘open’ sign in the window. Please call in to join in the daytime activities, to practise, to browse the library, or to chat with Nor’dzin.

Autumn Programme:

Vajra Romance – the intrinsically enlightened nature of romance
Thursdays, 5 week course, 19:00 – 20:30, 25th September – 23rd October, £25
Vajra Romance reveals romantic love as the nearest analogy for enlightenment we can find in everyday life: emptiness and enjoyment; the practice of taking one’s lover as a divine teacher; and the practical possibility of continuing to fall in love, in perpetuity. This teaching also illuminates the causes of the problems we often encounter within relationships: lack of fulfilment, failing to meet our partner’s emotional needs; clinging, cruelty, and indifference.

The Body of Visions – the rich and dramatic symbolism of inner Tantra
Thursdays, 5 week course, 19:00 – 20:30, 6th November – 4th December, £25
Explore tantric imagery, and practices of vision, voice, mudra, and music. The peaceful, joyous, and wrathful meditation beings cover every human body type – and in so doing, release us from the bondage of societal sanction with regard to how we appear.

Tibetan Yoga – through these movements Mind finds itself in its own free space.
Saturdays, 3 week course, 10 – 12, October 11 – 24, £15
Tibetan yoga (sKu-mNyé) is a system of physical movements which give rise to profound sensations of intimacy with the elements, freeing us from the domination of boredom; fear; neurotic obsession; paranoia; or depression.

Weaving the elements – release neurosis into the skies of the elements
Saturdays, 4 week course, 10 – 12, November 08 – 29, £20
Weave the elements earth, water, fire, air and space into thread cross designs and amulets to release oneself or others from neurotic and health problems.

Regular on-going events:

Meditation Group – yogic song & silent sitting; an open group
Tuesdays, 19:00 – 20:30 (suggested donation £5)
Please do come along—beginner or experienced—everyone is welcome.

Meditation – discover the spaciousness of Mind
1st Saturday of each month, 10 – 12 (suggested donation £5)
The first of this on-going series is September 6th. Learn about the many forms of meditation and how to begin or establish a regular practice.

Tibetan Yoga – through these movements Mind finds itself in its own free space.
Wednesdays 14:30, Fridays 10:30, 1 hour session (suggested donation £3)
Call in and find out about Tibetan yoga. It offers a complete range of exercises with some to suit all ages, abilities and body types.

All details of our events can be found at and these events will also soon be posted on Meetup. Please pass on details of these courses to anyone and everyone if you are able. Aro Ling survives on donations, and advertising is expensive, so if you can help to spread the word this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you. We hope you find something in the Autumn Programme that interests you and we look forward to welcoming you at Aro Ling Cardiff soon.

About Aro Ling Cardiff
Aro Ling Cardiff is a Buddhist Centre in the Aro Tradition of Vajrayana Buddhism.  It opened in September 2013 and is situated in the heart of Whitchurch Village in Cardiff.  Please see for more current courses and follow the blog - - for more information. You can also make a virtual visit to Aro Ling Cardiff: