Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales
Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales


2015-12-11/13 - Cardiff - Ngakma Nor'dzin & Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin - Dignity and Heroism

Dignity & Heroism - a weekend of teachings

We can all aspire to awaken and discover the Buddha within us. We can discover that we have always been beginninglessly enlightened. The practices of Natural Heroism enable us to communicate openly and honestly, allow us to be dignified and honourable people, and to liberate joy and good humour.

Weekend event with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral
A weekend retreat from 7pm on the 11th December till 12 noon on the 13th December,

Aro Ling Cardiff Buddhist Centre, rear of 35 Merthyr Road (Chambers)​, Whitchurch, ​Cardiff, CF14 1DB, Cardiff, Wales, UK

This weekend will introduce the principles of Natural Heroism and how to embrace them. It will include discussion of politeness and honour; creative living; our physical presence in the world; and teach the natural dignity of the dancing of the Jane Austen era.

Session 1:  Friday December 11th  19:00 – 20:30
Session 2:  Saturday December 12th  10:00 – 12:00
Session 3:  Saturday December 12th  14:00 – 16:00
Session 4:  Saturday December 12th  17:00 – 19:00
Session 5:  Sunday December 13th  10:00 – 12:00

£6 each session or £25 for the whole weekend

To register for this event please go to Meetup.

For more information please contact Ngakma Nor'dzin by emailing or telephoning 07875 716644

Follow the Aro Ling Cardiff blog for the latest information and see the Aro Ling monthly calendar for all events at Aro Ling Bristol and Aro Ling Cardiff


2015-11-27/29 - Cardiff - Ngakma Nor'dzin & Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin - Liberating Emotion

Liberating Emotion - a weekend of teachings

Every emotion that we experience, however distorted it may be, has a connection with our liberated, enlightened nature. We can familiarise ourselves with five distorted emotional patterns connected with the elements earth, water, fire, air and space, that perpetuate pain and hurtful responses. We can discover the liberated qualities of these five patterns.

Weekend event with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral
A weekend retreat from 7pm on the 27th November till 12 noon on the 29th September.

Aro Ling Cardiff Buddhist Centre, rear of 35 Merthyr Road (Chambers)​, Whitchurch, ​Cardiff, CF14 1DB, Cardiff, Wales, UK

This weekend will look at the richness of the earth element; the clarity of the
water element; the warmth and kindness of the fire element; the energetic
capacity of the air element; and the all-encompassing wisdom of the space

Through the ancient craft of amulet weaving, the qualities and
potentialities of the elements can be shaped for the benefit of ourselves and
others. Woven amulets are small and decorative. They can be worn or hung up.
Everyone will have the opportunity over the weekend to weave their own amulet to
take away with them. There will be a small extra cost for materials

Session 1:  Friday November 27th  19:00 – 20:30
Session 2:  Saturday November 28th  10:00 – 12:00
Session 3:  Saturday November 28th  14:00 – 16:00
Session 4:  Saturday November 28th  17:00 – 19:00
Session 5:  Sunday November 29th  10:00 – 12:00

£6 each session or £25 for the whole weekend

To register for this event please go to Meetup

For more information please contact Ngakma Nor'dzin by emailing or telephoning 07875 716644

Follow the Aro Ling Cardiff blog for the latest information and see the Aro Ling monthly calendar for all events at Aro Ling Bristol and Aro Ling Cardiff


2015 - 11 - 13/15 - München - Ngakma Nor'dzin Pamo and Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin Tridral - Wearing the Body of Visions

An exploration of the Path of Transformation through symbol, visualisation, song and chant

Weekend event with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral

Shambhala Zentrum München, Montenstraße 9, München, Germany

13th to 15th of November 2015
Friday 19:00 - 20:30, Saturday 10:00 - 19:00, Sunday 10:00-13:00

Enlightened Symbolism

The enlightened symbolism of Tantra functions as an inspiration and also as a direct communication to Awakened Mind. As beings caught up in the illusion of duality, we are symbols of our true enlightened selves. Because of this, tantric symbolism functions as a powerful method by which we can transform our experience to reveal our true nature through ‘wearing’ the visionary body of the yidam (meditational deity).

Ngakma Nor’dzin and Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin are a married teaching couple with over thirty years of practice experience. They will introduce different kinds of yidams (peaceful, joyous, and wrathful) and talk about the ways in which they function as a focus of practice.

Methods of Practice

The weekend will include teaching, yogic song and chant, and an introduction to the powerful practice of envisionment (self-arising as the yidam). It will include methods of practice that allow us to experience emptiness, the space from which the experience of vision arises. Through vajra pride we can bring enlightened awareness into our experience of everyday life. Questions are warmly welcomed throughout the weekend.


The weekend will include an empowerment (tantric initiation) into the practice of Yeshé Tsogyel, the female tantric Buddha of Tibet and the main yidam of the Aro gTér Lineage.

Cost: 130.- EUR for the whole weekend, Friday evening 30.- EUR. Reduced fee possible on request and for apprentices of the Aro gTér lineage.

Naljorma Dri'mèd Khandro, Email:, Phone: +49 8091/5378340

All Aro gTer retreats are non-smoking events. Smokers are welcome to attend, but in accordance with Nyingma teaching, and Vajrayana Buddhism in general, we require participants to desist from the smoking of tobacco for the entire duration of the retreat – both on or off the premises where retreats are held. Tobacco in any form should not be brought to the retreat.


2015-10-23/25 - Cardiff - Ngakma Nor'dzin & Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin - Myriad Meditations

Myriad Meditations - a weekend of teachings

Meditation is a primary method of self-discovery through which neurotic habit patterns can be revealed. ​

Weekend event with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral
A weekend retreat from 7pm on the 23rd October till 12 noon on the 25th October.

Aro Ling Cardiff Buddhist Centre, rear of 35 Merthyr Road (Chambers)​, Whitchurch, ​Cardiff, CF14 1DB, Cardiff, Wales, UK

Generally our experience of the mind is a continual commentary. Who are we when we allow the chatter of the mind to subside? Learn how discovering empty, silent mind can help us become kinder and more content.

Meditation can be practised sitting, standing, walking and lying. This weekend will explore all these postures, and many different and varied meditations methods.

Session 1:  Friday October 23rd  19:00 – 20:30
Session 2:  Saturday October 24th  10:00 – 12:00
Session 3:  Saturday October 24th  14:00 – 16:00
Session 4:  Saturday October 24th  17:00 – 19:00
Session 5:  Sunday October 25th  10:00 – 12:00

£6 each session or £25 for the whole weekend

To register for this event please go to Meetup.

For more information please contact Ngakma Nor'dzin by emailing or telephoning 07875 716644

Follow the Aro Ling Cardiff blog for the latest information and see the Aro Ling monthly calendar for all events at Aro Ling Bristol and Aro Ling Cardiff


2015-09-25/15 - Cardiff - Ngakma Nor'dzin & Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin - How to be Human

How to be Human - a weekend retreat

A weekend of teachings examining how we move through differing mind states. Looking at how meditation can help stabilise our experience so that kindness and warmth can prevail.

Weekend event with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral
A weekend retreat from 7pm on the 25th September till 12 noon on the 27th September.

Aro Ling Cardiff Buddhist Centre, rear of 35 Merthyr Road (Chambers)​, Whitchurch, ​Cardiff, CF14 1DB, Cardiff, Wales, UK

Human beings have a great capacity for kindness and warmth, but often we find ourselves experiencing dissatisfaction and responding with compulsion or aggression, greediness or paranoia.

This weekend will examine how we move through differing mind states. We will look at how meditation can help stabilise our experience so that kindness and warmth can prevail, and give us a greater sense of satisfaction.

5 sessions : you can join us for 1 session, several or the whole weekend

1st session Friday 19:00 – 20:30
2nd session Saturday 10:00 – 12:00
3rd session Saturday 14:00 – 16:00
4th session Saturday 17:00 – 19:00
5th session Sunday 10:00 – 12:00
£6 a session or £25 for the whole weekend – attend any or all sessions

To register for this event please go to Meetup.

For more information please contact Ngakma Nor'dzin by emailing or telephoning 07875 716644

Follow the Aro Ling Cardiff blog for the latest information and see the Aro Ling monthly calendar for all events at Aro Ling Bristol and Aro Ling Cardiff


2015-03-27/29 - Austria - Bar-ché Dorje - Natural Heroism

Natural Heroism

Weekend event with Bar-ché Dorje

27th - 29th March 2015

Friday: 18:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00

Friday: Letting go of irritation and welcoming humour into your life

Why do some people or situations irritate us and why do we have such strong reactions towards them? Sometimes ... when we are feeling good, we can control our reactions, but when we feel less happy unwanted and unhelpful reactions arise. On Friday evening Lama Bar-ché will explain why this is the case, why we see things the way we see them and why we repeatedly react the way we do. Also included will be clear and straightforward methods to investigate this phenomenon, to change our patterning through meditation. Lama Bar-ché will explore these issues in an easy-going and understandable manner, typically using a lot of humour so that we can look at ourselves in a relaxed way.

Saturday and Sunday: Natural Heroism

We influence everyone we encounter – even if we do not speak. Our feelings and thoughts are part of our communicative display and thus resonate with the entire situation. Being a practitioner is: having the courage to face ourselves at all times; exploring the open space of the unknown with eyes wide open; allowing fear to be an ornament of the journey into vastness; not compromising; being strong in view and promise; forgetting ourselves and whatever defines us; and, being beneficial to everyone, everything, and everywhere. Being a Buddhist is cultivating warrior mind.


On Saturday and Sunday Lama Bar-ché will also introduce some Ying’khor exercises. Ying’khor is connected with the Dzogchen longdé method of viewing the channels – and effectuating their potential - by experientially navigating them through subtle movement, visualisation of essential-light-spheres synchronised with breath whilst maintaining the 4 brDa. Sound is also employed in terms of vocalising seed-syllables. Visualisation relates to the nature of Mind. Breath, or sound, relates to nondual energy. Physical movement relates to the vajra body. The alignment of these three is the symbol—brDa—of the non-separateness of the three. Although these are rather subtle yogic exercises they are suitable for all kinds of people, and have a number of benefits like improving health.

Friday evening: € 30
Weekend: € 150
Early booking (till February 15): € 120

Ngakpa Garwang Dorje
Phone: 0699-10534094
[Please see all our events at]