Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales
Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales


Through refusing to relax into the reality of ‘form is emptiness and emptiness is form’, we create all our misery of obduracy, fear, loneliness, anxiety, and despair. We attempt to split emptiness and form and try to exist only in form. We hang on to form compulsively, convinced that emptiness is our enemy. When we do experience emptiness, we attempt to change things or fill the empty space as quickly as possible to re-establish form. We believe our security lies in form, and only in form. We feel that emptiness undermines form and that this is the reason we experience unhappiness. If we could just get rid of emptiness, everything would be perfect. We associate emptiness with pain and unhappiness and we constantly cling to form references to try and avoid unhappy emptiness experiences. This process of separating emptiness and form is called dualism.

Emptiness - Ngala Nor'dzin Pamo

Forthcoming Events

Meditation group with Ngakma Nor´dzin Pamo and Ngakpa ´ö-Dzin Tridral in Whitchurch, Cardiff.
Meditation group in Penzance, Cornwall.
Meditation group with Naljorpa Ögyen Dorje and Ngakma Zér-mé Dri´mèd in Alameda, CA.
Talk with Ngala Rig´dzin Dorje in Finland.
Retreat with Ngala Rig´dzin Dorje in Finland.
Retreat with Ngak´chang Rinpoche in San Francisco, CA.
Talk with Ngak´chang Rinpoche in Santa Cruz, CA.
Retreat with Ngala Rig´dzin Dorje in Switzerland.
Meditation group in Penzance, Cornwall.
Class with Ngakma Mé-tsal Wangmo, Ngakma Shé-zér and Ngakpa Namgyal in Bristol.
Meditation group with Naljorma Rin´dzin Pamo in At a private home, London.
Class with Ngakma Mé-tsal Wangmo, Ngakma Shé-zér and Ngakpa Namgyal in Bristol.>
Talk with Lama Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo in Milwaukee, WI.
Meditation group with Ngakma Nor´dzin Pamo and Ngakpa ´ö-Dzin Tridral in Whitchurch, Cardiff.
Meditation group in St Just, Cornwall.
Talk with Ngak´chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen in Bristol.
Meditation Group13  April
Meditation group with Naljorpa Ögyen Dorje and Ngakma Zér-mé Dri´mèd in Alameda, CA.
Meditation group in Penzance, Cornwall.
Meditation group with Naljorpa Ögyen Dorje and Ngakma Zér-mé Dri´mèd in Alameda, CA.
Retreat with Ngala Rig´dzin Dorje in Germany.
Meditation group with Naljorma Rin´dzin Pamo in London.
Meditation group with Naljorpa Ögyen Dorje and Ngakma Zér-mé Dri´mèd in Alameda, CA.