Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales
Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales


A new website for Drala Jong

The Aro gTér Lineage has been raising funds over the last ten years in order to be able to establish a retreat centre in Wales.  We are now very close to reaching our target of £500,000

As part of our fund-raising efforts we have created a new website for Drala Jong in order to keep supporters informed of progress with this project.

The new site replaces the old blog ( as a place to find all the latest news about the project and the eventual development of a retreat centre in Wales.

To stay up to date with progress please visit

The Vision of Drala Jong

Buddhism, as commonly encountered, is monastically based – and thus not naturally aligned to contemporary culture. There is a growing need therefore, to establish a venue for receiving instruction that supports living within mainstream society. To this end, the Aro gTér lineage draws on the history of the 84 Tantric Adepts: amongst whom was an entrepreneur, merchant, farmer, cattle drover, fisherman, weaver, dancer, poet, musician, athlete, king, and soldier – and each one achieved the highest accomplishment.


The name 'Drala Jong'

"Drala Jong innately exists in human beings. ‘Drala’ is the appreciative faculty which exponentially enlivens people the more they engage with the world. Appreciation is the key to enjoyment and to the delighting in the enjoyment of others. When we learn to appreciate phenomena our sense fields ‘Jong’ begin to sparkle and a sense of generosity is born which connects us with others. We would like Drala Jong to be a place where human beings could discover the pleasure of existence – the pleasure that animates the sense fields and revitalises the Arts – and the art of living."
— Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen


Drala Jong Appeal

The Drala Jong Appeal is managed by Sang-ngak-chö-dzong [British Registered Charity N° 1019886] and Aro Gar Inc. [US registered 501(c)(3) non-profit]. From its inception in 2007, the appeal is now entering its final phase – establishing a centre

The new website carries information about Drala Jong, about the Aro gTér Tradition and how you can help this vision become a reality.

Ngakpa ’ö-Dzin Tridral, Drala Jong Appeal Project Manager,

1 comment:

Bernard Ryan said...

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