Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales
Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales


Birth, Death and Dream Yoga, Weekend events with Ngak´chang Rinpoche in Gothenburg 9th - 11th of December and Wien 16th - 18th of December 2016

Birth, Death and Dream Yoga

Weekend events with Ngak´chang Rinpoche

9th - 11th of December 2016 and 16th - 18th of December 2016

Masthuggsterrassen 4B

precis ovanför trappan vid Hemköp masthuggs torget, 
hållplats masthuggs torget


and  the following weekend in Wien

Shambhala Zentrum Wien 

Stiftgasse 15-17, 1070


Dream Yoga is a valuable method, not only for transforming the ‘sleep state’, but for learning how to approach physical birth or death with a sense of confidence and the possibility of embarking upon a luminous adventure. Ngak’chang Rinpoche will introduce the art of life as the dance of birth and death with the sleeping and waking states. He will teach the Aro gTér cycle of practises which derive from Niguma: the yoga of clear light, the yoga of dream, and the yoga of illusion.
The practices of clear light, lucid dreaming, and illusory wakefulness are techniques for finding self-luminous awareness in every moment of the day and night – whatever our state of consciousness. Both awake and asleep, we lack authentic awareness. During the day, we are distracted by expectations, obligations, and avoidance. In dreams, we lose conceptual consciousness, and in our stupor we are at the mercy of bizarre imaginal events. In deep sleep, we seem to have no awareness at all.
The practice of dream yoga allows access to ‘lucid dreams’ in which we are aware we are dreaming – and are thus able to perform ‘miracles’. Choosing to experience anything we can imagine – dreaming becomes a luminous adventure. The practice of clear light allows us to retain awareness through the process of falling asleep and into the deep sleep without dreams. This practice liberates us from addiction to familiar form and enables us to experience pure awareness without sensory or conceptual content. The practice of illusory wakefulness connects powerfully with dream yoga through sitting meditation in waking consciousness, thus revealing the ‘one taste’ or essential sameness of experience in both waking and sleeping. Together, these practices free us from conceptual limitations of time and space, and allow us to experience the simultaneous continuity and discontinuity of experience.

Info about Gothenburg event:
1400 sek whole weekend
Fredag 200 sek
Lördag 600 sek
Söndag 600 sek
Reduced fee possible on request.
Naljorpa Druk-tsal Pawo
Phone: 0735424799

Info about Wien event:
Friday evening: € 30 

Weekend: € 150 
Reduced fee possible on request.


Ngakpa Garwang Dorje
Phone: 0699-10534094

As the expected number of participants is quite large we kindly ask you to register as soon as possible. 
All Aro gTer retreats are non-smoking events. Smokers are welcome to attend, but in accordance with Nyingma teaching, and Vajrayana Buddhism in general, we require participants to desist from the smoking of tobacco for the entire duration of the retreat – both on or off the premises where retreats are held. Tobacco in any form should not be brought to the retreat.

Read more about: Dream Yoga

No prior experience of Buddhist teachings are needed. The teaching is in English, and translation is available on request.


2016-11-11/13 - Germany - Lama Bar-ché Dorje - Natural Heroism and Ying'khor

Weekend event with Lama Bar-ché Dorje

11th - 13th of November 2016

Friday: 18:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00

Ya Wali, Kirchenstraße 15 (im Loft), 81675 München

(For German description please scroll down)

Natural Heroism and Ying'khor

Lama Bar-ché Dorje will explore the subject of 'Natural Heroism' in an easygoing, to the point kind of manner. Feeling ourselves a mind warrior in all our life circumstances is a quality that we all need on our path of liberation.

Along with the teachings on natural heroism, Bar-ché Dorje will also be introducing Ying'khor. Ying'khor is a body of physical exercises from Dzogchen long-dé. These yogic exercises coordinate movement, visualisation and synchronised breath, navigating our subtle energy system. They are suitable for all kinds of people, and have a number of benefits like improving health.

During the weekend, Bar-ché Dorje will be offering the tantric empowerment of Ling Gésar or Thangtong Gyalpo. The lung of the mantra and melody will also be given.

"Being a practitioner is: having the courage to face yourself at all times; exploring the open space of the unknown with eyes wide open; allowing fear to be an ornament of the journey into vastness; not compromising; being strong in view and promise; forgetting yourself and whatever defines you; and, being beneficial to everyone, everything, and everywhere. Being a Buddhist is to cultivate warrior mind. Without warrior mind you will never look further and never discover reality. This event will show you how to deal with life with your eyes wide open.” Bar-ché Ying-rig Dorje 


Natürlicher Heldenmut und Ying'khor

An diesem Wochenende wird Lama Bar-ché Dorje das Thema des "Natürlichen Heldenmuts" in entspannter, pointierter Art beleuchten. Uns in allen Lebenssituationen im Geist als Helden zu fühlen ist eine Qualität, die wir alle auf unserem Weg zur Realisation benötigen.

Lama Bar-ché wird in diesem Kontext auch einige Ying’khor-Übungen vorstellen. Ying’khor ist ein Übungssystem aus dem Dzogchen longdé. Es arbeitet durch bestimmte Bewegungen, Visualisationen und dazu synchronisierter Atmung mit dem subtilen Energiesystem. Die Übungen helfen unter anderem ganz allgemein, den Gesundheitszustand zu verbessern.

 Während des Wochenendes wird Lama Bar-ché auch die Ermächtigungen von Ling Gésar oder Thangthong Gyalpo anbieten. Der Lung von Mantra und Melodie wird ebenfalls gegeben werden. 

"Ein Praktizierender zu sein heißt, den Mut zu haben, sich selbst in’s Gesicht zu sehen. Wir erforschen den offenen Raum des Unbekannten mit offenen Augen, erlauben der Angst, ein Ornament der Reise in den weiten Raum zu sein, machen keine Kompromisse, sind unerschütterlich in Bezug auf unsere Sicht und unser Versprechen, vergessen, wer wir sind und was uns definiert – um für alles und alle überall nützlich zu sein. Ein Buddhist zu sein heißt, geistiges Heldentum zu kultuvieren. Ohne diese Geisteshaltung werden wir nie über unsere Grenzen hinausblicken und nie die Realität entdecken. Dieser Retreat wird aufzeigen, wie wir unser Leben mit weit offenen Augen leben können." Bar-ché Ying-rig Dorje 


Contact/Kontakt: Ngakma Déwang Pamo,

Cost: 130.- EUR for the whole weekend, Friday evening 30.- EUR.
Reduced fee possible on request and for apprentices of the Aro gTér lineage.

Kosten: 130.- für das gesamte Wochenende. Auf Anfrage ist eine reduzierte Gebühr möglich, u.a für Mitglieder der Aro gTér Linie.

All Aro gTer retreats are non-smoking events. Smokers are welcome to attend, but in accordance with Nyingma teaching, and Vajrayana Buddhism in general, we require participants to desist from the smoking of tobacco for the entire duration of the retreat – both on or off the premises where retreats are held. Tobacco in any form should not be brought to the retreat.

Alle Retreats des Aro gTér sind Nichtraucher-Veranstaltungen. Raucher oder Raucherinnen sind gerne willkommen, sollten aber bitte in Einklang mit den Nyingma Belehrungen und dem Vajrayana Buddhismus während der gesamten Dauer des Retreats weder in den Räumlichkeiten noch im Außenbereich rauchen und auch keinen Tabak mitbringen.

For further information see/Weitere Informationen: 


Aro Events - Current Listing of Events

All Aro Events are listed on  the Aro events website where you can select by Region, Type and teacher to find events that you would like to attend.

Below is the current listing with links to all the events and the details of what is being taught and how to make a booking. You can be assured of a warm welcome at all events.

If you would like to know more about what to expect, please see the  page 'What to expect at Aro events'.

In addition to week-long retreats, weekend and day events, we have a large number of regular practice groups where people meet for an evening of practice and teaching.

Please note that some of the events are reserved for apprentices only.

Apprentices only with Ngak´chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen in Vale of Glamorgan, UK.
Meditation group in Penzance, Cornwall, UK.
Practice group with Nor´dzin Pamo in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Class with Nor´dzin Pamo in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Meditation group with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Sitzgruppe 30  June
Meditation group with Garwang Dorje in Wien, Austria.
Jong-Dar 30  June
Practice group with Thrin-lé Chatral in Bristol, Somerset, UK.
Class with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Bristol, Somerset, UK.
Meditation group with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Apprentices only with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Class with Nor´dzin Pamo in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Study group with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Class with Nor´dzin Pamo in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Practice group with Nor´dzin Pamo in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Meditation group with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Jong-Dar 7  July
Practice group with Thrin-lé Chatral in Bristol, Somerset, UK.
Class with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Bristol, Somerset, UK.
Meditation group with Zhal´mèd Yé-rig in Paris, France.
Apprentice Retreat 9  July
Apprentices only with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral in Frodesley, Shropshire, UK.
Retreat with Seng-ge Dorje in Brentwood, CA, USA.
Jong-Dar 14  July
Practice group with Thrin-lé Chatral in Bristol, Somerset, UK.
Class with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Bristol, Somerset, UK.
Practice group with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Meditation Group 17  July
Meditation group in Troy, MI, USA.
Practice group 17  July
Practice group in Foster City, CA, USA.
Class with Nor´dzin Pamo in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Practice group with Nor´dzin Pamo in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Meditation group with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Retreat with Bar-ché Dorje and Mé-sèl Gyalmo in Herpen, Netherlands.
Apprentices only with Shardröl Du-nyam Wangmo in Livingston Manor, NY, USA.
Meditation group in Penzance, Cornwall, UK.
Class with Nor´dzin Pamo in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Practice group with Nor´dzin Pamo in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Meditation group with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral in Cardiff, Wales, UK.
Study group with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Apprentices only with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Meditation Group 14  August
Meditation group in Troy, MI, USA.
Apprentice Retreat 19  August
Retreat with Ngak´chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen in Monmouthshire, UK.
Practice group 21  August
Practice group in Foster City, CA, USA.
Apprentice Retreat 26  August
Retreat with Ngak´chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen in Monmouthshire, UK.
Study group with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Practice group with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Practice group 18  September
Practice group in Foster City, CA, USA.
Study group with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Apprentices only with Bar-ché Dorje and Mé-sèl Gyalmo in Lekeitio, Spain.
Practice group with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Apprentices only with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Study group with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Weekend event with Bar-ché Dorje in 81675 München, Bayern, Germany.
Practice group with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Vajra Romance 26  November
One-day event with Ngak´chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen in Bristol, Somerset, UK.
Study group with Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Weekend event with Ngak´chang Rinpoche in Wien, Austria.
Sangha Solstice Party 17  December
One-day event with Ngak´chang Rinpoche, Khandro Déchen and Mé-tsal Wangmo in Dursley, Gloucestershire, UK.
Apprentice Retreat 14  April  2017
Retreat with Ngak´chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen in Monmouthshire, UK.
Apprentice Retreat 28  July  2017
Retreat with Ngak´chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen in Monmouthshire, UK.
Apprentice Retreat 16  February  2018
Retreat with Ngak´chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen in Monmouthshire, UK.