Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales
Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales


2015-12-11/13 - Cardiff - Ngakma Nor'dzin & Ngakpa 'ö-Dzin - Dignity and Heroism

Dignity & Heroism - a weekend of teachings

We can all aspire to awaken and discover the Buddha within us. We can discover that we have always been beginninglessly enlightened. The practices of Natural Heroism enable us to communicate openly and honestly, allow us to be dignified and honourable people, and to liberate joy and good humour.

Weekend event with Nor´dzin Pamo and ´ö-Dzin Tridral
A weekend retreat from 7pm on the 11th December till 12 noon on the 13th December,

Aro Ling Cardiff Buddhist Centre, rear of 35 Merthyr Road (Chambers)​, Whitchurch, ​Cardiff, CF14 1DB, Cardiff, Wales, UK

This weekend will introduce the principles of Natural Heroism and how to embrace them. It will include discussion of politeness and honour; creative living; our physical presence in the world; and teach the natural dignity of the dancing of the Jane Austen era.

Session 1:  Friday December 11th  19:00 – 20:30
Session 2:  Saturday December 12th  10:00 – 12:00
Session 3:  Saturday December 12th  14:00 – 16:00
Session 4:  Saturday December 12th  17:00 – 19:00
Session 5:  Sunday December 13th  10:00 – 12:00

£6 each session or £25 for the whole weekend

To register for this event please go to Meetup.

For more information please contact Ngakma Nor'dzin by emailing or telephoning 07875 716644

Follow the Aro Ling Cardiff blog for the latest information and see the Aro Ling monthly calendar for all events at Aro Ling Bristol and Aro Ling Cardiff