Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales
Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales


2015-03-27/29 - Austria - Bar-ché Dorje - Natural Heroism

Natural Heroism

Weekend event with Bar-ché Dorje

27th - 29th March 2015

Friday: 18:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 19:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 14:00

Friday: Letting go of irritation and welcoming humour into your life

Why do some people or situations irritate us and why do we have such strong reactions towards them? Sometimes ... when we are feeling good, we can control our reactions, but when we feel less happy unwanted and unhelpful reactions arise. On Friday evening Lama Bar-ché will explain why this is the case, why we see things the way we see them and why we repeatedly react the way we do. Also included will be clear and straightforward methods to investigate this phenomenon, to change our patterning through meditation. Lama Bar-ché will explore these issues in an easy-going and understandable manner, typically using a lot of humour so that we can look at ourselves in a relaxed way.

Saturday and Sunday: Natural Heroism

We influence everyone we encounter – even if we do not speak. Our feelings and thoughts are part of our communicative display and thus resonate with the entire situation. Being a practitioner is: having the courage to face ourselves at all times; exploring the open space of the unknown with eyes wide open; allowing fear to be an ornament of the journey into vastness; not compromising; being strong in view and promise; forgetting ourselves and whatever defines us; and, being beneficial to everyone, everything, and everywhere. Being a Buddhist is cultivating warrior mind.


On Saturday and Sunday Lama Bar-ché will also introduce some Ying’khor exercises. Ying’khor is connected with the Dzogchen longdé method of viewing the channels – and effectuating their potential - by experientially navigating them through subtle movement, visualisation of essential-light-spheres synchronised with breath whilst maintaining the 4 brDa. Sound is also employed in terms of vocalising seed-syllables. Visualisation relates to the nature of Mind. Breath, or sound, relates to nondual energy. Physical movement relates to the vajra body. The alignment of these three is the symbol—brDa—of the non-separateness of the three. Although these are rather subtle yogic exercises they are suitable for all kinds of people, and have a number of benefits like improving health.

Friday evening: € 30
Weekend: € 150
Early booking (till February 15): € 120

Ngakpa Garwang Dorje
Phone: 0699-10534094
[Please see all our events at]