Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales

Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales
Help us to establish Drala Jong - a Buddhist Retreat Centre in Wales


The Heart of the Sun & Moon - Romance as Spiritual Practice - Berlin, Germany

The Heart of the Sun & Moon
Romance as Spiritual Practice
Weekend Course June 4 - June 6
Lama Shardröl Du-Nyam Wangmo
Aro gTér Lineage of the Nyingma School
Ngakma Shardröl is an ordained Lama and disciple of the Dzogchen Lamas Ngak’chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen, who are the lineage-holders of the Aro gTér. She has worked with her teachers as the editor of their books (Wearing the Body of Visions, Spectrum of Ecstasy, and Roaring Silence) and at their request she has taught in the US, UK and Europe since 1996. Ngakma Shardröl, a native New Yorker, is known for her clarity and humor and her down-to-earth accessible style.
The Heart oft the Sun & Moon
In Sutra, romantic relationships are viewed as a distraction from practice, but the Vajrayana teachings of the Khandro-Pawo Nyida Mélong Gyud present a unique perspective on romantic relationship as spiritual practice. This puts to rest the commonly-held view that celibacy is spiritually superior to a natural life.     
Unfortunately, romantic couples often constrain and condition each other, missing the tremendous potential their relationship holds for liberation. The profound teachings of the Nyida Mélong show how the openness and kindness of falling in love expresses the human side of the two wings of Buddhist practice: wisdom and compassion; emptiness and form.       
The teachings of the Nyida Mélong show us the possibility of making our entire life experience into practice. We can learn how to stay in love forever. To experience the nondual passion of vajra romance is to enter the heart of the sun and moon.

Location: Aro – Gompa, co/ Jens Bittermann, Hohenfriedbergstr. 7, 10829 Berlin, Germany
Time: Friday, June 4, 7 pm -10 pm (20 €).  Saturday, June 5, 10 am -6 pm (50 €)
Sunday, June 6 , 10 am -16 pm (40 €).  Whole weekend: 100 €,
Information and booking: Jens Bittermann, Tel: 030/7813804, email:

All Aro gTer retreats are non-smoking events. Smokers are welcome to attend, but we require participants to desist from the smoking of tobacco for the entire duration of the retreat – both on or off the premises where retreats are held. Tobacco in any form should not be brought to the retreat.


Spacious Passion - Hardback Edition - Winner

The draw to win a hardback copy of Ngakma Nor'dzin's book Spacious Passion took place on 14th March.  Thank you to all those who entered the draw.  The winner was BT of Colorado USA - congratulations!

Spacious Passion can also be read online at no cost, please see at It is also available in paperback - please see or shop at

If you would like to hear news from Aro Books worldwide please follow our blog at or find us on Facebook

[This was scheduled to appear on 2010-03-15, but somehow failed to emerge at the appointed time]


Spacious Passion - Hardback Edition

Ngakma Nor'dzin's book Spacious Passion is now available in hardback from Aro books worldwide

A Buddhist book exploring the sutric teaching of ‘The Four Thoughts that turn the Mind to Practice’ as vividly relevant to our everyday lives: the extraordinarily precious opportunity to live as an honourable human being; the experience of impermanence that pervades our existence as an opportunity to awaken; the emotional and psychological patterning which dominates our lives (karma); and the seemingly endless cycle of dissatisfaction in which we imprison ourselves. Each chapter ends with a series of questions and answers which are both pragmatic and inspirational. Ngakma Nor'dzin has been a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism for more than twenty years.

We are giving away one copy of the hardback edition of Spacious Passion.  If you would like a copy please write


with the subject line
  Spacious Passion - Hardback Edition

and saying
  where you saw this message

a winning name will be drawn on 14th March 2010.

To see all of our books, please go to the Aro Books worldwide shop at


Retreat with Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen 30 April - 2 May 2010

The Poetic Science of the 
Natural State

‘The sea and sky are our shrine room. 
The natural elements are our meditation.’
30th April - 2nd May 2010
a weekend residential retreat with 
Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen

Within the setting of the Herefordshire countryside, Aro Lineage holders Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen will teach a series of Dzogchen practices which function through the everyday experience of one’s daily life.  Despite their simplicity such practices engender a profound shift of perspective; a radical and direct intimacy is revealed as a natural opportunity for anyone wishing to step fully into the vibrancy of the senses and the sense-fields.

The weekend will include teachings on the Moving Elements, the psycho-physical exercises of sKumNyé, Rhythm Breathing, Sky Gazing and A-tri exercises.

Poulstone Court, Kings Capel, Herefordshire, UK, HR1 4UA
This residential retreat will commence on the evening of 30th April and run until lunch time on Sunday 2nd May 2010. Arrival times from 4 pm on the Friday in time for dinner and leaving on the Sunday by 4 pm.
The cost is £180.00 inclusive of all meals including Friday dinner and Sunday lunch. 
Details and booking forms available from Kira O'Reilly, 
email: or phone: +44 (0)7846 269004


The Lama is neither safe nor tame, but s/he is committed to the student’s realisation and to the path of Kindness. The student is neither safe nor unsafe with the Lama. The student is ‘safe’ in that the Lama—well certainly with regard to ourselves—will never harm them or be unkind to them, but ‘unsafe’ in that their neuroses will be challenged continually.

But He Is Good - Ngala Nor'dzin Pamo and Ngala ’ö-Dzin Tridral


Forthcoming Events

Study group 2 March
Seminar in Whitchurch, Cardiff, UK.

The Fourteen Root Vows 12 March
Weekend event with Ngak´chang Rinpoche in San Francisco, CA, USA.

An introduction into Buddhism 19 March
Retreat with Ngala Rig´dzin Dorje in Grilly , France.

Guru Padmasambhava Tsog 'khorlo 23 March
Ceremony with Ngakma Nor´dzin Pamo and Ngakpa ´ö-Dzin Tridral in Whitchurch, Cardiff, UK.

Das Meer und der Himmel sind unser Schrein -
die Elemente der Natur unsere Meditation
26 March
Weekend event with Ngakma Nor´dzin Pamo and Ngakpa ´ö-Dzin Tridral in Munich, Germany.

Moving Being - the practice of sKu-mNyé 26 March
Weekend event with Ngala Rig´dzin Dorje in Vienna, Austria.

Romance and relationship in Buddhist Tantra 9  April
Weekend event with Ngala Rig´dzin Dorje in Helsinki, Finland.

Public event 14 April
Retreat with Ngala Rig´dzin Dorje in Rovaniemi, Finland.

Meditation Group 19 April
Meditation group with Naljorpa Ögyen Dorje and Ngakma Zér-mé Dri´mèd in Alameda, CA, USA.

Evening Talk with Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen 19 April
Talk with Ngak´chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen in Bristol, UK.

Meditation Group: Tsog Khorlo 26 April
Meditation group with Naljorpa Ögyen Dorje and Ngakma Zér-mé Dri´mèd in Alameda, CA, USA.

Evening talk 29 April
Talk with Ngala Rig´dzin Dorje in Austria.

Bewegendes Sein - die Praxis des sKu-mNyé 30 April
Weekend event with Ngala Rig´dzin Dorje in Munich, Germany.

The Poetic Science of the Natural State 30 April
Weekend event with Ngak´chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen in Kings Capel, Herefordshire, UK.

Meditation Group 3 May
Meditation group with Naljorpa Ögyen Dorje and Ngakma Zér-mé Dri´mèd in Alameda, CA, USA.

Meditation Group 10 May
Meditation group with Naljorpa Ögyen Dorje and Ngakma Zér-mé Dri´mèd in Alameda, CA, USA.

Wesak festival 16 May
Talk with Ngala Rig´dzin Dorje in Germany.

Weekend Retreat with Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen 11 June
Retreat with Ngak´chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen in Bristol, UK.

Public event 25 June
Weekend event with Ngala Rig´dzin Dorje in Zurich, Switzerland.